My Journey of Faith

Welcome to one of the My Journey of Faith blogs. My name is Carissa and this page is where you can get to know me, post questions on Christian issues and share your experiences in Christ. There are others like me that want to share their own personal journeys of faith. Click on the names at the left to meet the others or click on this link for the main page:

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Meet Carissa

I am a 29 year old wife, mother and Christian with a ministry of staying at home with my two children. My beautiful daughter and son are toddlers who are one year apart, and believe me, staying at home with two toddlers has definitely been a testament to my journey of faith! I love the Lord, and call on him daily to fulfill my calling and goal of being a reflection of Christ to my husband and children. I am a believer of twenty years, however I am constantly detoured, stalled, but gently redirected as I seek to know Christ more on my journey of faith.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Well...this blogsite has been up and running for sometime now, and I am making my first post. It seems that one thing or another has prevented me from posting... a sick child, a sick husband, the sudden decision by one child or another to not take a nap, and finally my computer crashing! As many stay-at-home moms know, it isn't always easy to sit anywhere for an extended period of time, much less at a computer:) Sadly, quiet time with the Lord is also often a luxury...but one I have to acquire to be able to function through the day! Some people might think it is odd that I think of my role as a SAHM as a ministry, but I came to this realization not too long ago. My family recently moved to a new city. For the first time, my husband and I are away from any help other than each other and the Lord, and it has thrown us for a loop! Breaks are few and far between and burn out is happening much more quickly than it use to! However, this move has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It has caused my husband and I to truly rely on each other, but more than that it has brought us to the point that God is our only source of energy and rest. The Lord has provided me with many godly, stay at home moms in the place of family that cannot be here. He has given us a church that we adore and can't wait to attend. He has opened doors that have pushed us to leave our comfort zones and apply our spiritual gifts. While settling in is a continual process and we may have times of homesickness, God has provided for us in ways we never thought to ask. What an amazing opportunity to be able to actually watch God in action in my own life! It is through this move that God has shown me that He gave me the amazing opportunity to minister to my children, and staying at home with them is a gift...not a burden. This is a fact that I desperately need to know, as burn out comes and the breaks are fewer.... This is the goal of my posts, to help other stay at home moms know they are not alone as they go through tough times with no help manual, and to reassure them that they are indeed in a ministry. The amazing thing is that God doesn't place you in a ministry without also providing the tools, we just have to have faith and seek Him!

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