My Journey of Faith

Welcome to one of the My Journey of Faith blogs. My name is Carissa and this page is where you can get to know me, post questions on Christian issues and share your experiences in Christ. There are others like me that want to share their own personal journeys of faith. Click on the names at the left to meet the others or click on this link for the main page:

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Meet Carissa

I am a 29 year old wife, mother and Christian with a ministry of staying at home with my two children. My beautiful daughter and son are toddlers who are one year apart, and believe me, staying at home with two toddlers has definitely been a testament to my journey of faith! I love the Lord, and call on him daily to fulfill my calling and goal of being a reflection of Christ to my husband and children. I am a believer of twenty years, however I am constantly detoured, stalled, but gently redirected as I seek to know Christ more on my journey of faith.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Songs of Praise

When you are bombarded by something in your daily christian walk, it usually means the Lord is trying to get a point across about something right? Well, I am clueless about what I am suppose to learn, but I have been bombarded with two things over the past and praise. It seems that everywhere I turn I am reading such verses as Psalm 100:4 "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise. Give Thanks and praise his name." This was in my quiet time, my Sunday school lesson, my preacher's message, oh, and of course my devotional today:) I truly don't believe that music is the point, although I can't function through life without it, but I think the point is the praise. I have been in a bit down lately because we have been trying to have another baby and it hasn't happen for eleven months... If any of you have been through this, you know that this type of situation can wreak havoc on a woman's mental state:) Well, mine hasn't been too bad...except it has been missing the praise. I have been so focused on what I want that I haven't focused on God. I turned thirty last week, and was blessed enough to spend it ocean-side in the Bahamas with my amazing family. As I sat and looked at what an amazing creation the Lord has made, I was overwhelmed with praise. I couldn't stop thanking him and praising him for all he had given me, healed in me, healed in my family, and NOT given me! I can't help but have a renewed sense of thankfulness and a heart of praise to the Lord for how wonderful he the song says "through the calm and through the storm."